1. general provisions:

1.1 The name of the educational institution established by BSFactory OÜ (hereinafter referred to as “the Owner”) as Business Skills Factory (hereinafter referred to as “the School”) is based on the current legislation in the field of child and adult education and other relevant legal acts and documents when organising continuous training.
1.2 The School organises continuing professional education for children and adults.
1.3 Training takes place in premises suitable for training, rented on a monthly payment basis.
1.4 Training takes place in the form of training courses throughout the year. Training is organised on the basis of a training calendar. The duration of training is calculated in academic hours, where one academic hour is 45 minutes.
1.5 Training is conducted primarily in groups.
1.6 Instruction is conducted in Russian and Estonian.
1.7 The language of the school is Russian and Estonian.
1.8 Instruction takes place in the form of day and evening groups.
1.9 The curriculum is the main document of study, which defines, as a minimum:
1.9.1 The name of the study programme;
1.9.2 the group of study;
1.9.1 the name of the programme of study;
1.9.4 Languages of instruction;
1.9.5 Period of study;
1.9.6 Registration information;
1.9.7 Target group and conditions for starting the course;
1.9.8 Placement in groups:
1.9.9 Total amount of training;
1.9.10 Teaching methods;
1.9.11 Independent work;
1.9.12 Learning Objective;
1.9.13 Learning Outcomes;
1.9.14 Course content;
1.9.15 Description of the learning environment;
1.9.16 List of training materials, if training materials are provided by the training programme;
1.9.17 Graduation requirements, including assessment methods and criteria;
1.9.18 Documents to be issued;
1.9.19 A description of the qualifications, educational or professional experience required for the training.
1.9.20 A brief description of the content;
1.9.21 Formation of the final outcome.
1.10 The syllabus and any changes to the syllabus must be approved by the holder.

Collection and processing of personal data:

2.1 The School collects the following data about students: name, email, telephone and personal identification number. The personal identification number is required for the purpose of obtaining a certificate and, if necessary, for attestation.

2.2 Personal data is processed on the basis of § 6 IKS.

Enrolment and selection into training groups:

3.1 Enrolment:
3.1.1 Pre-registration for training. Registration can be done on our website or by phone (+372) 54010489. The registered person will receive a confirmation of registration by e-mail. 3.1.1.
3.1.2 The learner has the right to receive additional information by e-mail or by phone (+372) 54010489.
3.2 Composition of the study group
3.2.1 A study group is formed on the basis of the order of enrolment.
3.2.2 Prior to the start of the training course, a list of trainees and an attendance sheet shall be drawn up.
3.2.3 The school reserves the right to cancel the training course if the training group is not filled or to postpone the training course until the training group is filled. Those enrolled will be notified by telephone or email at least three days in advance. In case of cancellation due to reasons related to the organisers, the tuition fee will be refunded.

4. Training commencement and participation:

4.1 Students who have been accepted by the school as part of the training group and have paid the training fee or have received a letter of confirmation of payment from the company/institution can start the training.
4.2 Participation in the course is confirmed by the learner’s signature on the registration form at the first session and by signing a contract regulating the relationship between the learner and the school.

5. Completion of the course and expulsion procedure:

5.1 A student is admitted to a course of study at the School on the basis of a personal application. When enrolling as a private student, a study contract is concluded between the School’s representative and the student or the student’s representative, which specifies the name of the instructor, the time, duration and place of study, as well as the amount of the tuition fee and the terms of payment.
5.2 The student is expelled from the School on the basis of an application, non-payment of the invoice presented to the School or non-payment of the invoice.
violation of the terms and conditions of the contract. Each case will be considered individually.
5.3 A student is considered to have completed a course of the School’s choice when he/she has passed the corresponding test, examination or pass.
5.4 A student will receive a certificate from the School when he/she successfully passes the final test, examination or test.
5.5 Teachers regularly collect feedback from children and parents about their satisfaction with the training. A dedicated chat room on the telegram channel has been set up for parents where teachers give regular feedback on their children’s learning. Voluntary feedback from pupils and parents on children’s and parents’ progress and results will be shared on social media.

6. The grounds and procedure for setting, cancelling and reducing tuition fees, and providing tuition grants:

6.1 Tuition fees are set by the Headteacher no later than 15 days before the start of classes.
6.2 The tuition fee limits for subjects in the curriculum are set for each subject. The tuition fee shall not be increased during the course and may be reduced in the case of promotional offers, but not by taking an absentee decision.
6.3 In deciding whether to grant tuition fee discounts, account may be taken of those enrolled on the course.
6.4 Tuition fees are payable on the basis of an invoice prior to the commencement of the course. The invoice will be sent by email. The invoice must be paid by the due date stated on the invoice.
6.5 In the event of late payment within 10 days and/or despite reminders from our side, the invoice will be sent.
unpaid invoice to a collection agency for further processing.
6.6 Payment for training can be made in instalments, subject to a separate agreement with the payer.

7. Cancellation of participation in training:

7.1 If a person who has registered for the training is unable to attend the training, the school must be notified by email to
7.2 In case of cancellation 7 days before the start of the course, 100% of the course fee will be refunded.
7.3 In case of cancellation 2-6 days before the start of the course, 75% of the course fee will be refunded.
7.4 Cancellations made less than 48 hours before the start of the course will not be refunded.
7.5 If a student has paid at least 10% of the prepayment and later cancels the course for reasons beyond the control of the school, the prepayment will not be refunded.
7.6 Paid tuition can be transferred to another course.

8. Cancellation of training:

8.1 No refunds will be given if a course is cancelled. 8.1.1 If there is a valid reason for the interruption (health reasons, foreign trip, etc.), the learner can join the next group.


9.1.1 The learner has the right to:
9.1.1 to receive the training provided for in the curriculum, in accordance with the chosen course, in the volume, in the prescribed place and at the prescribed time, after payment of the tuition fee.
9.1.2. to receive information about the organisation of training and the curriculum;
9.1.3. request a refund of tuition fees for courses cancelled through the school’s fault;
9.1.4. leave the school at will before the end of the course, in which case the tuition fee will not be refunded.
9.1.5 to receive a certificate of successful completion of the final test, exam or examination at the end of the course.
9.2.1 act in an emergency (fire, water accident, bomb threat, etc.) in accordance with the rules and instructions of the School staff;
9.2.2 treat with care the equipment and property of the School placed at his/her disposal;
9.2.3 behave in accordance with generally accepted practices and customs;
9.2.4 pay the tuition fee in the amount indicated on the invoice and according to the date indicated on the invoice;
9.2.5 the relationship between the student and the School shall be regulated by an appropriate contract.

10. qualification requirements for lecturers:

10.1 Lecturers must have higher professional and pedagogical education or be actively working in the field in which they teach and have relevant experience which they can attest to.


11.1 Disagreements and disputes between the school and the student/lecturer shall be resolved by the parties in the first instance by. A dispute between the teacher/student and the student/teacher shall be resolved primarily by negotiation.
11.2 In the event that the dispute cannot be resolved by negotiation, the dispute shall be resolved by the Haryu Haryu.
District Court.

Approved 01.08.2022 (MONTH)